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Add a counter widget to your blog

Friends how are you? In my post I will share you a nice widget. When we visit other’s site we see that there has a counter where show number of visitors, visitor’s country, daily visitors etc. I think it is a very good widget. You can add this widget and you can know about your visitors. So friends if you like this follow me.

Log in to your bolgger.
Now you will get your Dashboard. From here click “Layout” option. Layout panel will appear. Select “Ad a gadget”. Now insert this code.


<!– BEGIN: Powered by–>
<center><script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script><script type=”text/javascript”>sc_hit(400039,74,5);</script><br><noscript><a href=””>free Hit Counter</a></noscript>
<!– END: Powered by–>

Now save this widget.

If you like this post please give your valuable comment and visit this site regularly to get more tips and tricks for blogger.

Add a counter widget to your blog

Friends how are you? In my post I will share you a nice widget. When we visit other’s site we see that there has a counter where show number of visitors, visitor’s country, daily visitors etc. I think it is a very good widget. You can add this widget and you can know about your visitors. So friends if you like this follow me.

Log in to your bolgger.
Now you will get your Dashboard. From here click “Layout” option. Layout panel will appear. Select “Ad a gadget”. Now insert this code.


<!– BEGIN: Powered by –>
<center><script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script><script type=”text/javascript”>sc_flag(400035,”FFFFFF”,”ed45ed”,”cccccc”,2,100,0,0)</script><br><noscript><a href=””>Flag Counter</a></noscript>
<!– END: Powered by om –>

Now save it and enjoy.

Friend do you like it? If you like it please give your comment. I am waiting for your reply.

Simple Related Posts Widget For Blogger

Many of us have blog or website.We make blog or website for visitor. When a visitor comes to visit your site he may see one or two posts. Then he will go away. If you want you can keep you visitor for a long time. If you add related posts widget for your blog then visitor will see more posts in one page. Then he may enter other posts to see. Thus your visitor will increase. Now I will give you such a widget called simple related posts widget. It is for blogger. If you have a blogspot blog, you can add this. It is very easy to add. Just follow me………..

First log into blogger. Then select "Layout" option like bellow.

From here click "Ad a gadget". A new box will open like bellow

Give a title for it and paste the bellow code in the content box.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Then save it.  And enjoy this widget.

Note: Thanks for reading it. Do you like it? If you like it please comment bellow. Your comment will inspire me to give new tips or widget.

Add a blog counter widget to your blog

Friends how are you? In my post I will share you a nice widget. When we visit other’s site we see that there has a counter where show number of visitors, visitor’s country, daily visitors etc. I think it is a very good widget. You can add this widget and you can know about your visitors. So friends if you like this follow me.

Log in to your bolgger. Now you will get your Dashboard. From here click “Layout” option. Layout panel will appear. Select “Ad a gadget”. Now insert this code.

Code:  (Only for number of visitor)

<!– BEGIN: –>
<center><script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script><script type=”text/javascript”>sc_online_t(400029,”Users Online”,”#ff0000″);</script><br><noscript><a href=””>Free Tumblr Users Online Counter</a></noscript>
<!– END: –>

Now save this widget.

Is it useful for you? If you like this post or face any problem please give your valuable comment and visit this site regularly to get more tips and tricks for blogger.

Some SEO Friendly Templates

How are you all? Many of us has a blog or websites. And we make our blog so attractive by many templates. In my post I will share with you some seo friendly templates. If you have any blog in blogger then you can use these templates. By this templates you can make your blog or site more and more attractive. So friends download these templates for free and make your blog seo friendly and attractive.

Template 1:

Template name: Sevim
Column: 2

View Template          Download This    

Template 2:


Template name: Mxfluity
Column: 2

Template 3:

Template Name: Flatui

View Template        Download This       


Create A Code Box In Blog post

Hi friends! How are you? In my post I will share with a blogger tips which may help you. It is about “How to create a html or java code box in blogger?” let’s the discussion. We have to make post to blogger blog.  When we write a post to blogger blog sometimes we need to add any code and it looks at random. But when you apply this tip your code will become nice that makes your blog beautiful. It is not a hard task. Just follow me. So strat…………..


  1. First log in to blogger
  2. Now you will get your “Dashboard”
  3. From here select “Template”

4. Here select "Edit HTML"
5. Now find the code(Ctrl + F)


Now paste the bellow code before the code
.code { background:#f5f8fa; background-repeat:no-repeat; border: solid #5C7B90; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 20px; color: #000000; font: 13px 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; line-height: 16px; margin: 10px 0 10px 10px; max-height: 200px; min-height: 16px; overflow: auto; padding: 28px 10px 10px; width: 90%; } .code:hover { background: #FAFAFA; background-repeat:no-repeat; }

Now save your template.

Now make a post and from here click "HTML". Here type
<div class="code">
 ( Place your desired code )

Now save post and visit your site.

Do you like this tips? Is it help you? If you like this post please give your valuable comment and visit this site regularly to get more tips and tricks for blogger.

Sliding Follow Or Like Box For Blogger

My post is for them who has blogger blog. Now I am sharing with you some social widgets for blogger. When we visit other’s blog site, we can see that any one side of the blog has facebook or twitter or google plus icon. And when we keep our mouse cursor in any of these then it slides. Do you want to add these widgets? You can add these widgets to your blog for free.  As a result your visitor will increase. And increase your facebook like or twitter follower. To add these widgets follow my instructions.

Process: 1

Go to blogger. Then log in here with your ID and Password. From here click “Template”. A new page will open like bellow. 

Here select “Edit HTML”. You will get your HTML codes. From here find(Ctrl + F) the bellow code.

Then paste the bellow code above the the code </head>.

<script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script> 

Process: 2

Now go to “Dashboard”. From here select”Layout”. Then select “Ad a gadget”. A new page will reopen. From here select “HTML/Java Scripts”.
Then paste the bellow code.

For facebook like:


<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {$(".w2bslikebox").hover(function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "0"}, "medium");}, function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "-250"}, "medium");}, 500);});
<style type="text/css">
.w2bslikebox{background: url("") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;display: block;float: left;height: 270px;padding: 0px 5px 0 40px;width: 245px;z-index: 99999;position:fixed;right:-250px;top:1%;}
.w2bslikebox div{border:none;position:relative;display:block;}
.w2bslikebox span{bottom: 12px;font: 8px "lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;position: absolute;right: 6px;text-align: right;z-index: 99999;}
.w2bslikebox span a{color: #808080;text-decoration:none;}
.w2bslikebox span a:hover{text-decoration:underline;}
</style><div style=""><div>
<iframe src=" Your ID&amp;width=245&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp; connections=9&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=270" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border: medium none; overflow: hidden; height: 270px; width: 245px;background:#fff;"></iframe></div></div>

Note: Change this Your ID with your user name. Then save thee gadget.

For twitter follow:


<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {$(".twitterboxot").hover(function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "0"}, "medium");}, function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "-250"}, "medium");}, 500);});
<style type="text/css">
.twitterboxot{background: url("") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;
display: block;
float: right;
height: 240px;
padding: 0 5px 0 46px;
width: 245px;
z-index: 99999;
right:-250px; top:35%;}
<script type="text/javascript"
type="text/javascript">fanbox_init("Your ID");</script></div></div>

Note: Change this Your ID with your user name. Then save thee gadget.

For Google plus:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {$(".gplusbox").hover(function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "0"}, "medium");}, function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "-330"}, "medium");}, 500);});
<style type="text/css">
background: url("") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;
display: block;
float: right;
height: 330px;
padding: 0 0px 0 46px;
width: 325px;
z-index: 99999;
.gplusbox div{
padding: 15px;
background: white;
border: 2px solid #D64937;
border-right: 0;
<div data-action="followers" data-height="300" data-href=" ID" data-source="blogger:blog:followers" data-width="320">
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
window.___gcfg = {'lang': 'en'};
var po = document.createElement('script');
po.type = 'text/javascript';
po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

Note: Change this Your ID with your user name. Then save thee gadget.

Do you like this post? If you like this post please give your valuable comment and visit this site regularly to get more tips and tricks for blogger. Friend I am waiting for your valuable comment.

Floating sharing button widget for blogger

Hi everybody! How are you? In this post I will share a nice floating widget for blogger. When we visit other’s site we can see that these sites have different sharing button. Through this widget anyone can share his or her choose able post with his or her friends. As a result the visitor of a site will increase. So you can add this nice widget to your blog. Thus the visitors of your site can share your posts with his friends. As a result you site’s visitor will increase. So try it for you. There are many sharing button widget for blogger. It is one of them. This widget is very nice. It will float in your blog. To add this widget you have to follow two processes. Let’s stat...... 

Process 1:

For this you must log in to your blogger account. After logging in blogger a new page (Dashboard) will open. Here click “Template” option. You will find this “template” option like bellow the image. 

Then a page will open. From here click “Edit HTML”

Now find this bellow code (Find tips: Ctrl +F).



After finding this code paste the bellow code (after the code <head>)


<script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Now save the template.
Process 1 is finished.

Process 2:

Now click “Layout” option. Here you will get a “Add a gadget” option to add something. From this option select “HTML/Java Script”. A box will open. 

Here you will see two blank options. One is Title and another is Textbox. You may keep blank the Title option. Now paste the bellow code in the text box.


<script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({publisher: "c117a274-6da3-437e-8e5b-63a46ebfe6af"});</script>
var options={ "publisher": "c117a274-6da3-437e-8e5b-63a46ebfe6af", "position": "left", "ad": { "visible": false, "openDelay": 5, "closeDelay": 0}, "chicklets": { "items": ["facebook", "twitter", "linkedin", "reddit", "googleplus", "delicious", "pinterest", "email", "sharethis"]}};
var st_hover_widget = new sharethis.widgets.hoverbuttons(options);

 Now save it. You have done it. Visit your blog and you will see the floating sharing widget.

If you like this post please give your valuable comment and visit this site regularly to get more tips and tricks for blogger.